The basis of my approach is founded in person-centred counselling. This means working with how you are and aspire to be as an individual.
No counselling approach is ‘one size fits all’ because each and every one of us is complex and different. We’ll work together to explore ways you as a unique individual can change or adapt your thinking, behaviours, communication and ideas so that whatever difficulties you are facing will begin to diminish and become more manageable and less daunting.
You will be heard and understood with empathy and without judgment. This approach is very important and valuable, but I’m not a counsellor who believes solely in the power of listening and supporting. Experience has shown me that clients need to understand themselves and how they relate to others, as well as their own motives, needs and goals in a way which has real meaning in their day-to-day lives and to find ways to bring about recognisable and positive change which works for them.
At times I may also draw on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – working with your thoughts – as well as other forms of therapy like Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) – working with difficult emotions – in order to meet your particular individual needs and goals.
You’ll always take things at your own pace, and can rest assured that no matter what you bring to the therapy space, it will be respectfully accepted and treated as confidential.
Call 07341 814612